I was fortunate enough to attend my 3rd conference on a new pain relief method that’s changing the way science looks at pain. I have seen amazing results with my own patients and I couldn’t believe the number of MD’s , physical therapists and acupuncturists that were joining to learn from my Chiropractic colleagues ….nice to see them finally stepping out of their boxes.
In this day and age with increased pollution, degraded foods etc, I understand how many people can feel bad. I also realize there are dozens of remedies that can help relieve pain, sinus etc… However, few if any do anything to embellish the body’s natural abilities to reduce inflammation or restore functions.
If you’re treating your ailments this way, you’re heading in the wrong direction. These approaches just will not make it OK to pollute our internal environment, alter your immune system and simultaneously bring more money to big and polluting industries. While relief is great, it is only temporary and often self destructive.
Common effects from sinus medications (Claritin, Allegra, Zyrtec, Sudafed, Flonase, Dymista) include: headaches, drowsiness, dizziness, high blood pressure, changes in vision/dry eyes, chest pain, increased heart rate, nausea/vomiting, restlessness, tremors, nosebleeds, sensitivity to the sun, immune system problems, thrush and slow wound healing
Sinus pressure and congestion: A: Place fingers at bottom of nostrils press in (towards skull) with moderate pressure (you need to feel the pressure) hold for 5 seconds then quickly brush out.
Sinus pressure and congestion B: Place 2 fingers about an inch higher, again repeat as in A.
Now C. briskly rub across your eyebrows for a few seconds and D. at the base of your skull- where your neck meets your head. (It will most likely be tender). Rub briskly and firmly at the skull neck level do about 10 seconds. Moist compresses to the face and back of the skull will also be of great benefit. * NEVER use ICE on the FACE SINUS. You can use ice or moist heat on the back of the skull where it connects with the neck 20 minutes as needed
Example 1. Using right hand reach across to the top of your back between the shoulders and neck. This is the area of the upper tra
pezium muscle. Check for tender spots by pressing firmly, it may feel like a knot in the muscle. These are commonly referred to as trigger points. Now, as you apply pressure with your right hand on the painful knot, use your left hand and grab and press behind your head at the base of the skull and top of the neck. Simultaneously as you press on the trigger point with your right hand, use your left hand to pull / push and press the tissues at the base of your skull
. About 85% of the time the painful spot will begin to ease in
seconds. Continue to apply pressure and hold both hands in position for 20 seconds. Repeat this on the opposite side. I don’t suggest you do this more then once per day as re-contact on the same painful trigger area can irritate it and nullify your efforts.